Friday, November 28, 2014

Acid Reflux and Baby Carriers

If your baby has acid reflux you will have to keep baby upright for at least 20 minutes after a feeding.  I used baby carriers because they allowed me to have my hands free and still attend to baby's 20 minute requirement.  Often times the baby would fall asleep in the carrier.  I think it's best to have the baby already swaddled so the transition from baby carrier to swing/crib/pack'n'play is smooth.  No need to wake the baby.

Here are the combinations I recommend.  Be sure to buy the correct size. 
Ergobaby + SwaddleMe
Tuck the legs into fetal position.

K'Tan + Woombie Leggies

Ergobaby + Woombie Leggies

While I was hands free I could tidy up the nursery, go for a walk, throw a load of laundry in the wash, and meal prep in the kitchen.  Or if he was fussy I could bounce on the medicine ball while the white noise machine was playing in the background.  Being hands free is so much better than being stuck.

Venting: I absolutely HATED the Ergobaby Newborn Insert.  DO NOT BUY IT.  IT IS TERRIBLE!  

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Exclusive Pumper

What to do with plugged milk ducts that will not unplugged despite your best efforts?

I've massage, I've used heat compressions, I've even been down on all fours!  When you are experiencing engorgement that just will not go away I recommend grabbing a manual pump like Avent's manual pump and hopping in the shower.  This works best if you have a detachable shower head like I do.  I turn the water on as hot as I can take it, then I point the shower head closely and directly at the clogged area, and I just go nuts with the pump.  You may need to massage a bit (take care not to re-clog).  At this point you should not even be concerned about wasted milk since a lot of shower water will mix into the pump.  All you need to do is experience let down and pump a little to unplug.  As soon as you feel relief, you can towel off and resume pumping with the electric pump.  Since all this happened in the shower, you don't have to be concerned with any mess.  YOU ARE WELCOME!!!!  This has saved me so many times. 

Something else that has saved me are hands free pumping bras!   I've also DIY'ed some of my old bras to make hands free pumping bras by cutting a small "x" shape into your thinner, non padded bras.  This way you can save money and pump hands free.  Hallelujah! 

Exclusive Pumper

Things that worked for me and baby from an exclusive pumper perspective.

"Baby won't drink"

Something happens at around 3 months for breastfed babies where they stop drinking milk and their normal feeding routine is no longer smooth sailing.  It is known as a nursing strike.  Well, at 3 months my baby started to refuse the bottle.  If this has happened to you I recommend feeding baby while they are in a baby carrier.  I use the Baby K'tan.  I have baby in the "hug position" (google it), I support his head and he will feed that way.  I hope this tip helps you.  I could not find any tips on the topic for exclusive pumpers.

"Acid Reflux"

You can feed while baby's sits facing you on your pelvis, his/her back rests against your propped up thighs.  Stop to burp the baby at 2 to 3 ounces.  After the meal, keep baby upright for at least 20 minutes.
20 minutes can seem like a long time.  Make sure to get some type of bouncer.  Like Tiny Love or Baby Bjorn.  I have both and I find them handy.  Baby and I especially like the Tiny Love bouncer.  Before you put baby in the bouncer make sure you've burped baby thoroughly.
Other things you can do is to add a teaspoon of rice cereal to the bottle (a teaspoon per 4 ounce bottle for example).  The rice cereal helps to thicken the milk so the milk does not come back up as easily.  The only caution with using rice cereal is constipation.  Make sure your "breastfed" baby has a bowel movement at least once every 7 days.  If after 7 days baby has not pooped, you can go to your local drug store and get glycerin suppositories.  **Follow the dosage instructions and also remember to give baby 1 to 2 ounces of water in a bottle that day to prevent dehydration.**
If baby still suffers from reflux, the pediatrician will prescribe medicine.  Such as 1ml of Ranitidine (ZANTAC) every 12 hours administered orally.  

Storage Bags-
I've used Lansinoh, Avent, Medela, and NUK.  Lansinoh do not do well in the freezer.  The bags are more flimsy.  When the milk freezes and the bag shifts around and is maneuvered... it may tear and your milk will leak when defrosting.  If you use Lansinoh bags purely for refrigeration purposes, then it's a great product.  Plus it is super cheap compared to the rest of the bags.  I would still use Lanisnoh for the freezer but I would not put more than 2 ounces of milk in the bag.
Avent is what I currently use.  It's very sturdy and hold up well in the freezer.  The zip is great.  The only minor inconvenience is  "tamper evident seal" feature because I don't always have scissors around and the seal does not tear smoothly.
Medela bags are unique because they fit on to the pump so you don't have to do any transferring.  This was a great solution in the beginning when I would pump 2 or 3 ounces per breast.  However, when I started to pump 4 to 5+ ounces per breast it would be impossible to use Medela bags because they cannot carry as much milk.  4 ounces would be pushing it to the brim.  Due to the amount I pump I cannot use Medela bags.  When I did use them, the zip was strong and they fair very well in the freezer.
Lastly NUK bags.  I think they are a step up from Lansinoh bags.  The only complaint I have about NUK bags are the zip is finicky.  You have to make sure to zip it very well otherwise it is not air tight.  Another minor inconvenience about NUK bags is you cannot use a pen to write on the label.  It must be a sharpy because the flap is transparent.  I think the NUK bags are a great alternative to Avent bags.